Friday, June 15, 2012

Wool Fest 2012

Amber and I went to Wool Fest last Saturday up in Estes Park. It is this big event having to do with yarn and knitting/crochet. There are alpacas, llamas, goats, rabbits, and other yarn-producing animals there... some to see, some to pet, even some to buy. There are tons of yarn vendors and other fun things too!

Amber was mostly excited to pet the animals. I suppose I didn't mind either :)

Tents were full of the wool straight from all these cool animals, for people who like to spin it themselves. They also sold skeins already made, and even finished projects for those who don't knit/crochet themselves, just so everyone had a way to enjoy the fine fibers.

These animals, called Paco Vicunas, are about the cutest things I have ever seen:

The super-fluffy Angora Rabbits were pretty cute too:

There was a HUGE shopping/vendor tent full of everything a knitter/crocheter could ever want...

I did end up with a few goodies. An adorable new project bag with sheep on it and some gorgeous hand made glass knitting needles:

We wandered into the Bijou Basin booth...

And found quite a surprise there...... ME! Hanging on the wall! Well, the pattern I modeled for :)

You can see the pattern page online with the rest of the photos, if you're interested. :)

Anyway, the owners were in the booth and they were SO NICE! I got inspired and decided to buy some yarn and try to MAKE the shawl I modeled for. I thought about getting the yellow since I like how it looked on me... but I went for this multicolor one that has the same yellow plus green, pink and orange.

Now I'm using the yarn, the bag and the needles all to work on this project. I've just barely started it. It's full of new things for me - I've never done lace and I've never done short rows. But I'm doing my best!

A couple more fun wool fest pics...


  1. Great Photos! Love that woolfest!

  2. How much fun! Fun with girlfriends are just the best.

  3. We need a WoolFest here in So. Cal. That looks like a lot of fun. And those critters are SO cute!

    You're looking FAB, by the way.

