Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Granny Warmer

I finished my grandma's blanket last weekend :) FINALLY!

Grandma's Blanket

Grandma's Blanket

Grandma's Blanket

Grandma's Blanket

Grandma's Blanket

I think it came out beautiful in the end, but working on this was a royal pain in the @$$. This yarn (Lion Brand Homespun) was tough to work with, constantly splitting and getting stuck on my hook. Working the diagonal pattern was also a huge pain, I won't do that again, at least not with this particular yarn. It also came out much smaller than I would have liked and it really only a lap blanket. But hopefully since my grandma will typically use it when reading, it will be okay.

The colors are beautiful - I especially love the purple border (and I know she will too). Also, it is VERY soft and snuggly, especially after my friend Amber washed and blocked it for me (thanks Ambs!).

I get to give it to her today... I hope she will love it!


  1. I love that yarn. I've used it a few times for neck scarves, it's slightly challenging.

    What was tough about the diagonal? I've never done anything that way.

    It LOOKS beautiful and very snuggly. Don't let your kitty try it out. Your gram will never get it away from kitty!

  2. That turned out beautiful!!!! Love the colors!

  3. Oh my goodness - that is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!
